Tamworth NFR recap with team rider Mel Foster.
Last week we caught up with one of our Barkly & Co #teamriders Mel Foster. Mel recently returned from Tamworth where she attended the National Finals Rodeo as part of our WA team!
We thought we'd get the 411 from Mel, learn a little about the NFR and hear about the highlights from her trip!
1. What did you qualify for at the NFR?
Barrel Racing
2. How did you travel to the NFR and what was your experience?
Brett and I drove over with 2 horses, returned with 3! Horses travelled incredible, we just took our time and did it over 5 days
3. Tell us a bit about what you had to do to qualify
We just worked at our rodeos, travelled around WA from Albany to Pannawonica
4. What was your favorite part of the NFR?
No feeling like standing out the back getting ready to run at your first drum at ALEC and just the whole thing, being at the NFR on my own horse that got me to it.
5. What was you least favorite part of the NFR?
I didn’t really have one.
6. What placing did you finish with?
We finished 7th in the average.
7. Tell us a bit about the NFR vibe!
It's amazing, nothing else like it!
8. Would you do it all again?
100%, watch this space for 2023!
9. Tell us the funniest thing that happened during your trip?
Lots of blonde moments! Probably to many haha.
10. If you went again, what would you do differently?
I would go over for longer, leave earlier and stay longer.