You secured a job on a cattle station... life experience you'll be sure to remember thats for sure. The Love for our pastoral regions doesn't jut come from family and being born into it, many people find an ever listing love for this industry by starting just like this. Then they never leave haha!!

Such a HUGE amount to take in thats for sure but to help you out I'll share my top 5 things to take on board... keep them in the back of your head.
1. Pay Attention...
- Paying attention can mean the difference between life and death.
- If you're told to go left at the fork in the road for that bore run then make sure you do. Getting lost ain't fun... just saying...
- If you're told a gate only swings one way and you make a mental note, it means you'll get to keep your teeth...
- Keep an eye on that cow... her calf is cute yes... her rolling you because she doesn't want you near it is not...

2. Wash your dishes...
- Don't piss the cook off. They will make your life hell all year if you do...
- Yeah we all have had a long day, so have they, wash your own dishes, dry them and put them away... you might get an extra sandwich one day.
- Keep your space tidy... that random room check... you never know. Plus you won't keep losing your toothbrush!

3. What gets said in the yard stays in the yard...
- High pressure scenarios bring out the best in us all don't they. Leave your emotions at the ramp, you're probably gonna get yelled at... you're probably gonna yell at someone else. Laugh it off at the end of the day over a beer. Tomorrow is a new day!
- Count everything all the time through every gate always, if you don't refer to above. You're gonna get yelled at!
- My god make sure you shut the back yard gate properly.. You will definitely get yelled at if the mob gets out!

4. Making friends is part of the experience...
- Be nice!!! it's not hard to be nice. yeah living on top of each other can get annoying but just remember your offsider is probably thinking the same thing!
- If someone is down, try and help them out. It can get lonely out in the bush.
- Enjoy the experience! Life is too short.

5. Look after stuff...
- Just because you didn't buy it doesn't mean you can treat it like crap. Treat other people things as you would your own and you'll be appreciated for it long term. Could mean the difference between being invited back next season or not...
- look after your own stuff... a month out at camp with a busted water bottle ain't fun...
Remember too, HAVE FUN!