I'm sure by now you all have sheen our superstar model Izzy. She's been with us since birth. So where did she come from?

Izzy & I with Flora & Annabelle 2020
Contrary to what may look to most as a poddy / new Mumma relationship. Izzy has a cow Mumma, Dixie. She was as quiet as a pet dog since the day she greeted the world.
But the real story starts with Dixie. the story goes a bit like this....
After a day of branding calves at the station we just had one last job to do. Some strangers were being sent back to the neighbouring station and we were receiving some of ours back. (general practice I'm sure ahah).
I was scanning the neighbouring station's cattle ready for loading while some of the drew helped unload ours from the truck. As the very last cow jumped off and the guys started to get sorted to re-road a small brindle heifer made its way over the run-through and to the ramp. She definitely didn't look like she came from any of these cows.
As she made her way down the ramp the guys asked what did we want to do here? it was pretty clear she didn't have a mother on the truck, we ran a mixed colour predominantly brahman/drought master herd and she was straight out shorthorn.
We still had a couple hours of branding to go so we popped her in with the recently delivered cattle and watched to see if shed find a mum. I mean she might have had one in there.
By the end of the day she hadn't found her Mumma so we decided it best to take her home. Shed go in with the other poddies from the season. Flora, Pippa, Annabelle and Daisy. (yeah yeah really innovative names I know aha)

L-R Dixie, Pippa, Flora, Annabelle & Daisy 2017
Fast forward a few years, coz its not that exciting.... We shifted down to where we currently call home and bought them with us. the addition to the "foundation herd" as we call them haha was our main man Nelson, A stud bull that had been hand raised by the breeder.
Now a few of Dixie's tricks and traits:
...she can carry 2 feed buckets on her horns (don't worry we don't force her to do it... she bought herself)...
... she LOVES rum, gin and blue V and can smell it from 10km away, rest assured if you have any of the above you'll get hunted down to share...
...she plays dead... we found this out the hard way! and yes she's scared me a few times...
...she can open a gate chain with her horns and does it ALL THE DAMN TIME!!!!!...
...she hates puddles...
...my god is she jealous!...
Dixies first calf arrived and low and behold it was Izzy. Her name being achieve within the very first meeting. Just like her Mumma, quiet but intrigued as to what on earth we were.
From then on she along with may of the poddy cow's calves were a general farm attraction with most coming out and wanting to see Izzy, after all its really not very often you get to cuddle a cow aha!

Dixie & Izzy with Floras calf from 2020
Izzy has been one of our Barkly models now for 2 years and is expecting her first calf later this season.

Izzy & Stacey - 2020 Rocklands Hoodie Launch Shoot

Izzy & Mel - Suplejack Shoot 2022